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Resonant photoemission from tantalum in the vicinity of the 5p excitation thresholdRAAEN, S.Physica B, Condensed matter. 1990, Vol 162, Num 2, pp 172-175, 4 p.Article

New interpretation of the Ag L-series X-ray spectrumXU, J. Q.Zeitschrift für Physik. D, atoms, molecules and clusters. 1989, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 25-27, issn 0178-7683, 3 p.Article

The study of atomic inner shell transitions using solid state X-ray spectrometersCAMPBELL, J. L.Canadian journal of physics (Print). 1989, Vol 67, Num 8, pp 806-812, issn 0008-4204Article

The L2,3-MM Auger-electron spectrum of Zn metal: influence of correlation effects = Le spectre d'électrons Auger L2,3-MM de Zn: influence des effets de corrélationOHNO, M; MARIOT, J.-M; HAGUE, C. F et al.Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena. 1987, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 39-48, issn 0368-2048Article

Experimental Lα1 satellite structure of iridium, gold and uraniumCARVALHO, M. L; PARENTE, F; SALGUEIRO, L et al.Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics. 1987, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 935-940, issn 0022-3700Article

M2,3M4,5M4,5 super-Coster-Kronig spectra of solid Ge and resonance effects around the 3p thresholdKIVIMÄKI, A; AKSELA, H; AKSELA, S et al.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1993, Vol 47, Num 8, pp 4181-4186, issn 0163-1829Article

Reduced L1 level width and Coster-Kronig yields by relaxation and continuum interactions in atomic zincFRITZSCHE, S; FRICKE, B; SEPP, W.-D et al.Physical review. A. 1992, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 1465-1470, issn 1050-2947Article

Unexpectedly small intrashell L1-L3 vacancy transition rate in 62SmSTÖTZEL, R; WERNER, U; SARKAR, M et al.Physical review. A. 1992, Vol 45, Num 3, pp 2093-2096, issn 1050-2947Article

L3-to L2-intensity ratios in soft-x-ray valence-band emission spectra of 3d transition metalsPEASE, D. M.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1992, Vol 46, Num 14, pp 8790-8796, issn 0163-1829Article

The L Auger spectra of 15564Gd, 15965Tb, 16567Ho and 17170Yb from radioactive decayKOVALIK, A; GOROZHANKIN, V. M; NOVGORODOV, A. F et al.Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena. 1992, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 71-100, issn 0368-2048Article

Copper Lβ/Lα X-ray emission intensity ratio of copper compounds and alloysKAWAI, J; NAKAJIMA, K; GOHSHI, Y et al.Spectrochimica acta. Part B : Atomic spectroscopy. 1993, Vol 48, Num 10, pp 1281-1290, issn 0584-8547Article

Estimates of Zr initial L-vacancy distribution created by 9 keV electrons and L1-L2,3M4,5 Coster-Kronig yieldsXU, J. Q.Journal of physics. B. Atomic, molecular and optical physics (Print). 1990, Vol 23, Num 9, pp 1423-1432, issn 0953-4075Article

Effect of L-shell spectator vacancy on x-ray fluorescence yields and relative intensitiesLORENZ, M; HARTMANN, E.Journal of physics. B. Atomic and molecular physics. 1987, Vol 20, Num 23, pp 6189-6195, issn 0022-3700Article

Fluorescence, Coster-Kronig and Auger yields of the 62Sm L subshells measured with the synchrotron photoionization methodSTÖTZEL, R; WERNER, U; SARKAR, M et al.Journal of physics. B. Atomic, molecular and optical physics (Print). 1992, Vol 25, Num 10, pp 2295-2307, issn 0953-4075Article

Origins of the satellite in the L2M45M45 auger specturm of Cu : coincidence measurementsTHURGATE, S. M; NEALE, J.Surface science. 1991, Vol 256, Num 1-2, pp L605-L608, issn 0039-6028Article

Many body theory of the Coster-Kronig satellite spectrumOHNO, M.Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena. 1987, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 271-273, issn 0368-2048Article

High resolution M X-ray emission spectrum of metallic uranium (Z=92)OHNO, M; LAAKKONEN, A; VUORISTO, A et al.Physica scripta (Print). 1986, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 146-150, issn 0031-8949Article

Dynamic screening and interference effects in X-ray and Auger emission spectraOHNO, M; WENDIN, G.Zeitschrift für Physik. D, atoms, molecules and clusters. 1987, Vol 5, Num 3, pp 233-240, issn 0178-7683Article

A theory of resonant photoemission in copper halidesIGARASHI, J; NAKANO, T.Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1986, Vol 55, Num 4, pp 1384-1391, issn 0031-9015Article

L3,2 core-hole lifetime widths of 3d transition metalsPEASE, D. M.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1991, Vol 44, Num 13, pp 6708-6714, issn 0163-1829Article

Theory of autoionization emission for X-ray excited Auger spectraOHMURA, Y; SATO, T.Physica scripta (Print). 1990, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 143-146, issn 0031-8949Article

Krypton L-MM auger spectra: new measurements and analysisLEVIN, J. C; SORENSEN, S. L; CRASEMANN, B et al.Physical review. A, General physics. 1986, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 968-976, issn 0556-2791Article

The influence of Coster-Kronig decay processes on the relative intensities of 2s and 2p photoelectron lines of Si, P, S, Cl, and CaYARZHEMSKY, V. G; REICH, T; CHERNYSHEVA, L. V et al.Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena. 1992, Vol 58, Num 1-2, pp 67-73, issn 0368-2048Article

Unoccupied band structure of the Nb(110) surface = Structure des bandes inoccupées de la surface de Nb(110)JOHNSON, P. D; XIAOHE PAN.Physical review. B, Condensed matter. 1988, Vol 38, Num 14, pp 9447-9450, issn 0163-1829Article

Coster-Kronig yields in silver measured with synchrotron radiationSORENSEN, S. L; CARR, R; SCHAPHORST, S. J et al.Physical review. A, General physics. 1989, Vol 39, Num 12, pp 6241-6246, issn 0556-2791, 6 p.Article

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